Monday, May 11, 2015

The Big Move

Imagine that everyone in your neighborhood had to pick up and move to a new neighborhood, but you didn't have to stay in the same housing arrangement. That's basically what's happening here.

The section of the campground where we parked originally is going to be paved, so everyone has been moved to a new section (which was just re-vamped). In the month that we've been here, we've gotten a pretty good idea of who we'd like to live near...and who we wouldn't.

We picked our new site based on the fact that it gets shade most of the afternoon and it's close to the wifi tower (if it ever becomes activated).

People have been moving over the last few days and it's been fun to watch. It sort of reminds me of college. Freshman year, everyone moves in alone. Sophomore year, you pull up with your car (or pick up truck!) full of stuff and your friends pile out of the dorm to help. It's been like that here. We didn't really need help because we haven't accumulated too much stuff. But, others have been here for a year or two or longer so you tend to get some sprawl. We've had bets on who would or wouldn't be able to get the motor homes started after months of idleness. Not everyone has a truck to move their RV because they parked it with plans to stay long term. One kind man moved about four different families one afternoon.

So far, so good. We do have the option of moving back to our other site once the paving is done in about three weeks.

Will all the workers enjoy living in close quarters, or will familiarity breed contempt? Stay tuned.

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