Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Saved By Hormones

In the wee hours of Monday I woke up and could smell something like plastic burning or hot plastic.

Now...fire in an RV is a pretty scary prospect, particularly after we watched a large fifth wheel be destroyed in about 5 minutes.

I looked around for a hot cord or something like that, but couldn't find anything. I woke Chris up and he figured out it was the air conditioner, so we turned it off.

First thing Monday morning, Chris called a repairman who arrived Monday afternoon. The air conditioner is located beneath our bed and when the repairman got in and looked at it, there actually had been a small fire and if we had not turned it off when we did...it could have been bad. Very bad.

The part has been ordered and hopefully we will be back to our usual cool selves in a day or two.

Admittedly, an unexpected repair is a big annoyance and expense, but today I am trying to count my blessings instead.

And how did hormones play a part? Well, when I thought back on the night I realized that the reason I woke up was due to a hot flash.

Or maybe it was the fire burning under the bed.

In either case, we are grateful.

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