Saturday, July 9, 2016

Happy Anniversary!

Today, July 9, is the two year anniversary of our purchase of our motor home. Within a few days, we were on our way to New Mexico.

Wow. Sometimes it's hard to believe it's been that long and other times it's hard to believe it's only been two years.

In those two years we have:

  • Driven the MH about 8,000 miles. 
  • Visited the following states (some just for a night, some for months): 

   New Mexico
   North Carolina
   South Carolina
   West Virginia
   South Dakota
   North Dakota

  Wow...that's 17 states!

  We've also visited Alabama and Wyoming, but those were day trips and didn't include the MH.

  • Had 5 different jobs. Two at KOAs, one at Amazon, one at Carowinds and our current job with Southern Cross. 
  • Made many upgrades, repairs and improvements to the MH including a new TV, new mattress, tow dolly, two repairs to the jacks, a new cooling unit for the fridge, serious work on the a/c and new furniture. 
  • Traded in our small car for an SUV. We also recently bought a used truck so we are now a two vehicle (three if you count the MH) family. 
  • Met many nice people and a few goofballs and a couple complete jerks. 
  • Stayed in some nice campgrounds and some dumps. Turns out that staying overnight at a rest area in Iowa was better than a few of the campgrounds we've paid for. 
  • Visited some states that we might not have chosen to visit (like Minnesota) and found out that we liked them very much. 
  • Eaten lots of BBQ. 
  • Although we've been places where the temperatures got pretty low, we've only experienced a total of about 4" of snow in two winters. 
  • PBS has been our friend. When there's not cable, there's PBS and when that doesn't work, there's the radio. 
  • Good wifi is the most important feature of a campground. 

After two full years, it really feels like we're just getting started. Who knows what might be next?


  1. What an adventure. Maybe you'll see all 50 states before you're done. I assume NM will be your next gig? - Robin

    1. Oh, no. I meant that within a few days of buying the MH we were on our way to NM. Not sure where we'll be going next, though we will likely be moving in a few days. You'll have to stay tuned to find out the details (which we don't have either). :)
