Sunday, April 24, 2016

Celebrity Sighting

We missed our turn along the way and ended up going through a couple towns that weren't on our route. But, as such things have a way of working out, we sighted a celebrity while driving through Blue Earth, MN and turned around to get a picture.

Would he be friendly? Would we be able to get a picture with him? What about an autograph?

With some anxiety, we circled back and hoped for the best. My stomach was aflutter as we alighted from the MH.

It really was him...

Here's a hint as to who it might be.

 Makes me feel small. Can you see Dooley? 
 For those of you who have always wondered what's under his leaves....

Apparently the town of Blue Earth is home to a Green Giant factory or something. Why else would a town with Blue in its name have a giant green mascot? 

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