Sunday, January 31, 2016

Hectic Week

We've moved twice in the last two weeks and it's been a little hectic. First we moved from Carowinds to Cumming, Ga. We thought we'd like that campground, but we didn't. The wifi was weak and rarely available. The water pressure was so low we had to use our own water supply and water pump. What was even more annoying was that we told the office about the weak water pressure and were assured someone would check on it. A week passed w/no evidence of any effort. So, we were glad to leave there.

Now we are in Whitesburg, GA in a much less congested area of the state. Chris found this campground and we like it much better than the last one. This is an interesting location, because the campground is part of a larger property that includes a variety of outdoor activities including climbing walls and zip lines. Here is there website, take a minute to check it out and look at all the pictures. 

We're unlikely to do anything too dare-devilish, but there is a long wooden swinging bridge across a gorge that we might tackle. The trick seems to be figuring out how to get back w/o using the bridge twice, but I suppose that after do it once, the second time will be easy. Maybe.

So, Monday we took some tests for work that were more challenging than we expected. That was stressful but we passed. Tuesday we moved. Wednesday-Friday we worked with another technician and learned a lot from him (and probably tested his patience to the limit).

We think we'll be here for about two weeks. We'll see how it actually plays out. Stay tuned.

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