Thursday, April 2, 2015

We've Moved!

Three weeks ago we learned about job opportunities at Carowinds Amusement Park in Charlotte, NC.

We applied online, went to the employment office (they don't take appointments) and spent two hours waiting for and then completing in person interviews.

After that, the very nice woman, Barb, who is in charge of the workampers called and talked to each of us, doing her best to find jobs that would suit our abilities. Later we each had phone interviews for the specific positions.

Urine tests, background checks, driver's license checks...and three weeks later we are watching the sunset from our new site at Camp Wilderness at Carowinds. The park is open tonight and every now and then we can hear the people screaming on the roller coasters.

What will we be doing here?

They hire about 60 foreign students to work here each summer. They will be staying in a hotel about a mile away. Chris will be driving them back and forth as well as driving them for different excursions like shopping trips or baseball games. When he's not driving, he'll be doing other tasks for the HR department, possibly including the Wardrobe Boutique.

I'll be working at the campground.

We're really pleased that they were able to find jobs that will be interesting and different and don't involve serving food.

We've already moved to the campground, though we don't plan to start our jobs for at least 10 days. We have orientation on Sunday. They have a very strict dress code and men and women are expected to wear collared shirts for orientation. Until three hours ago (there's a Marshall's just a few miles away) I didn't own a collared shirt.

We're excited about a new opportunity, but even more important, I think this will provide plenty of fodder for blog posts.

Click here to go to the Carowinds site. 

Click here to go to the list of roller coasters. 

Click here to go to NBC Nightly News piece about Fury 325, the newest coaster. 

P.S. We get free access to the park!

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