Wednesday, January 7, 2015

It's All Relative

This morning most everyone in the country (or at least the dozen or so people who will read this post) will be waking up to the coldest temperatures of the winter (so far). Brrr.

While watching the local news recently, the weatherman said "Today we'll reach 57. The warmest day we'll have this week....if you call 57 warm."

Well, yes, as a matter of fact I do. I'm used to January temperatures that barely get above freezing, so 57 and sunshine is a treat. But, it's all what you're used to, isn't it?

When we were in New Mexico it was the monsoon season. That meant it rained a little bit every now and then (I think we've had more rain since we arrived in NC than the entire 'monsoon season'). But in New Mexico the locals were all complaining about the humidity. I tried really hard not to laugh. They were seriously uncomfortable with whatever amount of humidity they had (5%?).

Or maybe people just like to complain about the weather.


  1. When I lived in Idaho, I was on the phone with my mother who lived in California. It was springtime and she was complaining how cold it was there.
    I said, "Really? It's pretty warm here. What's the temperature ?"
    She said, "About 65, what's the temperature in Idaho?"
    I said, "About 65."

    It is all relative. - Robin

    1. Heehee. So true.

      65 sounds pretty good to me....
