Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Get Your Sp00 On!

The next time you get a package from Amazon look for a small white sticker on the outside of the box with a bar code and a series of letters and numbers. That's your Sp00!

I'm not sure if it's Spoo or Sp00. On the computer it looks like 00 but it's pronounced just like you think: Spoo.

From what I have been able to figure out so far, the Sp00 is what connects your order to your shipping address, so that's important.

In fact, the Sp00 is so important that we are constantly reminded to "Scan your Sp00!" during our start of shift meetings.

We've also been instructed in proper Spoo placement.

Sp00 is important.

And fun to say.

Which has lead to some interesting converstations. The other night I was working at a station next to another workcamper. She came out of her station and said to me, "I'm out of Sp00." Pause. "Never really thought I'd say that."

Another night the same woman said to me, "I hear your husband can fix the Sp00, is that right?" I confirmed, proudly, that Chris can fix the Sp00.

The stations we work at are next to a conveyor belt and once we have put the stuff in the box and scanned the Sp00, we put the box on the conveyor belt to be taken a few yards to the gift wrappers.
Recently, while placing a box on the conveyor belt, the Sp00 came off.

Frantically I left my work area and trotted along trying to catch the box on the conveyor belt while lamenting "My Sp00 fell off."

I hate when that happes.

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