Monday, October 13, 2014

Thoughts on Leaving New Mexico

By the time this post is published, we'll be on our way to Tennessee so I thought I'd share a few thoughts on our time in New Mexico and our first workamping experience.

Some of you may recall that we (me in particular) were in serious distress during our last few days/weeks on Ohio. We were unsure what was going to happen with the potential sale of our house, my parents had called us price gougers and freeloaders and my son had become more than just a little hateful. We'd committed to buy a motor home. We had no idea how we'd make it all work but knew we couldn't stay where we were.

We were also determined not to allow the "poor attitudes" of my family to keep us from doing something we'd talked about doing since we'd met but never imaged we'd get to do for many years, if at all.

So, when we saw the ad for a job in New Mexico, something about it stood out from all the others we'd seen. It was the first and only job we applied for and we were hired within an hour. (And before we'd even taken possession of our motor home).

I had no idea what we were getting into and I'm incredibly grateful that Chris knew all about RVing and RV maintenance. After driving 1500 miles safely with a vehicle we'd barely inspected, we were very lucky.

New Mexico is so different from Ohio that it was just the dramatic change we needed. The people are different with the Hispanic and Native American cultures. Although the heat was a bit much, we love the scenery and the terrain.

We've met a ton of interesting and nice people here and we've learned a ton about living full time in an RV.

We've also learned a few things that we'll take with us for our next workamping job (where ever it might be).

We'll miss the weather (that has finally cooled down) and several friends that we've made along the way, but it's time to move on to our next adventure.

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy for you that you and Chris jumped in and followed your dream. So many people never do. - Robin
