Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Smoochie Saga

Yesterday a man came into the office saying that a "well fed dog without a collar" was loose and he shut it in the dog park. The owners (who happened to be in the office annoying me at the time) both said "Oh, we get tons of strays, just let him go." Mr. Helpful Dog Owner was not impressed. Neither was I.

Then he said it was a boxer and they said "Oh, it probably belongs to the guy who owns the brewery. Just let it go and it will find its way home."

Believe it or not, I kept my mouth shut during this conversation where my boss(es) displayed their compassion and sensitivity.

A few minutes later, I was outside when Mr. Helpful Dog Owner came by with his dog and a very fat bulldog tagging along. He said he was taking the dog over to the brewery. Rachel (the office manager/owner's daughter) poked her head out the door and said "That's not a boxer. I don't now whose dog that is." Mr. Helpful Dog Owner (who was in the office a few days ago when she was in a snit about something) said "Someone really needs to get that girl some valium".

In the midst of this, Chris said "Hey, that's Smoochie." I said, "No, Rachel says it belongs to the guy at the brewery."

"I'm pretty sure that's Smoochie" (who lives two doors down and tends to get loose often).

Then Chris said, "Well, Smoochie usually has pink toe nails."

I have no idea how he knows this stuff, but sure enough the toenails were pink. Upon further investigation a tie out with an empty collar attached was found at Smoochie's house.

Saved by pink toenail polish, Smoochie was returned to her family.


  1. Hahaha, loved this! Also, I saw this article and decided that Dooley needs his own trailer:

  2. Will you keep your job when the owners read your blog?
    Stay tuned ....


    1. We leave here October 15 for Tennessee, so I think we're safe.
