Monday, August 11, 2014

Dooley's Corner: Life In a RV

Our little family wouldn't be complete without Dooley the neurotic traveling dog. It seems that with Dooley there is no middle ground. He's either totally relaxed and inert or shivering with anxiety.

Initially he did not like the motor home at all. Having him inside when the slides went out was probably a big mistake. If the walls in your house started to move, you'd probably be a little freaked out too. But since then he's settled down and seems to be settling in. At first when we left him alone he'd jump up on the dash and wait for us, which was worrisome because if you scroll down to see the pictures of our motor home you'll see that the windshield is really large + desert heat = possibly dangerous for the dog. I think he figured that out because now he just gets in his bed.

We've had a couple of hail storms which have not been pleasant for him. Remember our house is made of metal (aluminum, I think) so when hail lands on the roof, it's like being inside a popcorn popper. I think it's sort of fun, but Dooley disagrees.

Mostly he's just happy to be near the people he loves. I suppose we could all take a lesson from him on that.

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