The photos I promised last time arrived in my inbox after we left Whopper Wifi and haven't been hooked up to wifi long term since then. But, today we celebrate Veteran's Day with a morning of Wifi at Hardee's. If you follow me on Instagram, you've probably seen all of these, but isn't it fun to have them all in one place?

The yummy dutch apple pie (my first) that I made from the apples we got from the nice man in Cavalier, ND.

Sunrise over Devil's Lake. One of the highlights of being in this location is crossing over the lake every morning and afternoon.

Honest to goodness, when I first saw this sign, I thought it was a hair salon...but if you look closer you'll see two brooms. It's curling, that weird olympic sport that fascinates and confuses us every four years.

A fat prairie dog (different in appearance at least from his cousins down in the Badlands) from Sully's National Wildlife Preserve.

View of Devil's Lake from Sully's.

Bison (pronounced locally as bizzon) at Sully's. There was one right next to the road, but Chris wouldn't stop to let me take its picture. Probably wise, but as an intrepid blogger with at least ten subscribers, I felt obligated to try to get the shot.

Another sunrise over Devil's Lake. Look at the colors on the water. Beautiful.

Wild Turkeys in a convenience store parking lot. Do you suppose they stopped by for some turkey jerky?

This is Sherm the Sugar Beet. The apple is there for perspective. We found Sherm in a field and brought him home. Imagine a parade of semi trucks loaded down with beets like Sherm and even bigger. And the parade lasts for a couple weeks. The next time you scoop up a cup of the white crystals for your cookies and cakes, you can thank Sherm.

After a tough day of waiting for us to come home, Dooley is relaxing on Chris's lap (and getting dog hair on the afghan I made.)
We've thoroughly enjoyed our time in Devil's Lake. The weather has been unusually warm and sunny, particularly since we're only about 100 miles south of Canada.
We'll be done here and on our way in about a week. Next stop...Oklahoma City. It was a bit of a surprise to us, but it should be interesting. The plan, as of now, is for us to be there about a month and then move further south after the first of the year.
Rumor has it, they have wifi in Oklahoma City, so we're pretty excited about that.