Then I decided I needed one for myself. I got this one. And I got this set of colored pencils (and a sharpener).
This is supposed to be a relaxing hobby. However, my first creation stressed me out. Too many small spaces and not enough different colors. Clearly a 24 pack was insufficient to get the job done.
See all those little spaces left blank? It was too much pressure.
You probably know that I'm a knitter. However, I do not knit fancy, intricate patterns. In an ideal world, I'd knit with all the same color yarn. I like the rhythm and monotony of it. I would wear all black clothing all the time. Coloring, with all the demands for more and more colors in more and more little spaces...well, it scared me.
But then I sort of found a style I liked. I found that if I pressed hard on the pencils, I got a deeper color than if I used lighter pressure (it's like I'm freaking brilliant, isn't it?). So that sort of doubled the colors I had available. I also found that I liked keeping the different flowers all one color. Or mostly one color. I got crazy and did a bit of shading.
And that resulted in this one:
Still, I needed more colors. I bought a pack of gel pens at Office Max and a few loose pencils at a craft store. I should have bought a 48 pack of pencils, but if I buy one now, won't I have duplicates of the first twenty four? Seriously, it's stressing me out.
But, I colored on. I think this one is the best yet.
It's a combo of colored pencils and gel pens.
Coloring is relaxing, despite my issues with color selection. It's repetitive and somewhat creative. Someone else has put all the lines in place, I just have to stay inside them. I've been having some issues w/my right thumb which are exacerbated (and probably the result of) knitting, so coloring may be a good substitute (I'm a lefty colorist).
However, the refrigerator in the MH is brushed aluminum and we can't get magnets to stick to it so I can't post my work.
But that doesn't mean you can't. Be on the lookout, you may be getting some new refrigerator art.